All About Coffee

Coffee drinks are made by brewing water with ground coffee beans. The brewing is either done slowly by drip, filter, French press, cafetière or percolator, or done very quickly under pressure by an espresso machine. When put under the pressure of an espresso machine, the coffee is termed espresso while slow-brewed coffees are generally termed brewed coffee. While all coffee drinks are based on either coffee or espresso, some drinks add milk or cream, some are made with steamed milk or non-dairy milks, or add water (like the americano). Upon milk additions, coffee's flavor can vary with different syrups or sweeteners, alcoholic liqueurs, and even combinations of coffee with espresso or tea.[1] There are many variations to the basic coffee or espresso bases.

Coffee Drinks

Popular Coffee Drinks
Drinks Preparation Temperature Ingredients Details
Cappuccino Espresso Hot Equal amount of espresso and steamed milk Pour the espresso through the milk and serve
Espresso Latte Hot 2/3 or more steamed milk and espresso Pour the espresso through the milk and serve.
Macchiato Espresso Hot Espresso with just a "mark" of steamed milk Add milk to the expresso after pressing.
Iced Coffee Drip or french press Cold Coffee poured over ice Can be sweetened with sugar or creme.
Frappé Strong instant coffee hot Instant coffee, water and milk Shake to create a foam, then pour over ice and serve. A specialty in Greece
Flat white Espresso Hot 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk A specialty in Australia and New Zealand. The foam is often decorated with a motif.
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